
Program Il filo dei sapori October 12-13, 2024


Hotel Roma

6:30 pm

SPECIAL EVENT for the inauguration of the event.
Presentation of the book “Chocolate Revealed – the Food of the Gods Between Truth and False Myths” by Rossana Bettini Illy. The author speaks with Renzo Tondo.

il filo dei sapori 2024 tolmezzo immagine 11 ottobre albergo roma rossana bettini illy
il filo dei sapori 2024 tolmezzo immagine 11 ottobre albergo roma cena gusto carina

7:30 pm

Dinner GustoCarnia, created in collaboration with the students and teachers of ISIS “Paschini-Linussio,” featuring a guided tasting by Rossana Bettini Illy exploring chocolate paired with local beers and spirits.

€ 40,00 all inclusive


10:00-19:00 Opening of the agri-food market area.

Piazza Centa

Mountain agriculture: the voice of technicians, businesses, and students.

10:30-12:30 am

Open talk Innovalp: “Coltivare il futuro: innovazione, multifunzionalità e passaggio generazionale in agricoltura”.
Dialoghi tra nuove e vecchie generazioni di imprenditori per un’agricoltura multifunzionale e tecnologica.

3:00-4:30 pm

Organic Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation in the Mountains: Some Good Examples and New Opportunities” edited by AIAB FVG.
Speakers include Michele Centa, agronomist and vegetable sector technician, and Ferdinando Cestari, technical assistance coordinator for the fruit sector at AIAB FVG.

12.30-1:30 pm

Thematic tastings.

Istituto Paschini-Linussio Theme tasting:
“Our aperitif and the frant”
Frant praline, polenta, and kale cream
The “Clover Club” of the mountains

Paschini-Linussio Institute Themed tasting:
Small pumpkin brioche with red currant jam
Forest-scented mocktail

4:30-5:30 pm

Hemp in Veterinary Medicine: the Benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD). In-depth discussion with veterinarian Dr. Fabiola D’Angelo in collaboration with Green Ladybug Agricultural Company.

5:30-6:30 pm

Stand Paschini-Linussio Institute “Rare Plants: The Reasons for Their Conservation.” Speaker Valentino Casolo, Researcher in Plant Physiology, Professor of “Geobotany” and “Nature Conservation,” University of Udine.

Thematic tastings.

Paschini-Linussio Institute themed tasting:
Hemp blinis with fresh and smoked ricotta mousse and chives.
Hemp beer Zahre fruit beer AIAB FVG.

Istituto Paschini-Linussio themed tasting:
Herb and barley soup

Via Lequio

All day long

Recreational activity area for children.
All day ‘Games of the past’ and children’s make-up
organised by Ursus Animation

Small natural cosmetics workshop
by Apicarnia

Via del Din

All day long

High School ‘Fermo Solari’

Second star to the right
Workshops for children and young people “I giocs di une volte”


3:30 pm

On Lequio Street near the Cinema “David”

Cheese-making demonstration, Gianni Petris Farm – Malga Losa.
Cheesemaking: the path from a simple food such as milk to a dairy product with a thousand peculiarities and differences.

4:00-5:00 pm

At the “Pittoni” Municipal Library

Presentation of the book “The Deep Time Machine” by Corrado Venturini . In collaboration with the Carnic Alps Geopark.

The book tells the story of four boys who, incredibly, find themselves on an extraordinary journey, full of twists and turns, through the deepest time marked by the return, in stages, towards the present to learn about the geological history of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Corrado Venturini is a geologist, former professor of Geology at the University of Bologna, researcher and scientific communicator, author of several volumes and organizer of national and international conferences.


10:00-19:00 Opening of the agri-food market area.

Mountain agriculture: a voice for technicians, companies and students

Piazza Centa

11:00-12:00 am

“Dandelion and nettle, two plants with a thousand properties”.
Meeting with Dr. Ursula Puntel, a herbalist

Thematic tastings.

Themed tasting Istituto Paschini-Linussio:
Slice of fresh ricotta and nettle pesto with smoked ham and marinated dandelion
Our Hugo

12:00-1:00 pm

“Let’s get to know the Slovenian dish Zlikrofi”,
Showcooking with the presence of food and wine expert Silvia Biondi.
Go! Pasta project Interreg Italia-Slovenija 2021-2027 program, in particular of the Small Projects Fund (SPF).

GO! Pasta – gradimo medkulturne in gospodarske mostove s polnjenimi testeninami. GO! Pasta – building intercultural and economic bridges through stuffed pasta. Projekt financira Evropska unija iz Sklada za male projekte GO! 2025 programa Interreg VI-A Italija-Slovenija 2021-2027, ki ga upravlja EZTS GO.
The project is funded by the European Union under the Small Project Fund GO! 2025 of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Programme, managed by GECT GO.

2:30-3:30 pm

Thematic tastings.

Istituto Paschini-Linussio themed tasting:
“Apple meets raspberry”.
Apple cake and raspberry compote.
“Domini” red fruit herbal tea with Marzona multi-flower honey.

3:45-4:15 pm

From Lignano to Carnia, stories of “alien” insects and “local” insects.
Dr. Iris Bernardinelli and Dr. Claudia Bassi, Regional Agency for Rural Development of Friuli Venezia Giulia (ERSA FVG).

4:15-4:45 pm

“Experimental interventions related to the conservation of agricultural and cultivated biodiversity on wooded areas affected by bark beetles”.
Dr. Luca Poggetti, Regional Agency for Rural Development of Friuli Venezia Giulia (ERSA FVG).

Thematic tastings.

Istituto Paschini-Linussio themed tasting:
Pumpkin flan with speck and smoked ricotta, Chestnut wafers, cheese and seeds.
Spritz Skiwasser


Duomo Area

10:30 am

Parade of the Italian Federation of Food and Wine Clubs (F.I.C.E)
as part of the 41st National Gathering organized in Carnia.
Organized by the food and wine club Academio Dai Cjarsons
Forni Avoltri.

Piazza Centa

2:00 pm

“Telefasinviodi artigiani special”
a traveling theater show by the “atTORONI” Company.
The show is made up of sketches themed around trades and traditions.
It features characters who are apparently normal but, if you look closely, are not at all common: from the geologist who talks to fossil fish to the carpenters who dispense virtuosity, passing through the misunderstood inventor. With them we will discover how adventurous everyday life can be.

Piazza XX Settembre

3:30-5:00 pm

Farmer’s Triathlon.
Test yourself with old-fashioned farming techniques and take part in the competition!


Palazzo Frisacco

“ALTAN. Earth, men and beasts”: the exhibition.
Visitable until October 13, 2024.

4:00 pm

Guided tour with the curator of the exhibition, Giovanna Durì.
Reservations are preferable by contacting the Palazzo Frisacco office, calling 0433 41247 or sending an email to .

5:15-6:00 pm

Signing copies of the cartoonist and artist Altan.

On October 12th and 13th the exhibition will be open continuously from 10:00 to 18:00.
For further updates or information:

Via del Din

All day long

Cefap FVG

Azienda agricola ApiCarnia
Small natural cosmetics laboratory


Palazzo Frisacco

The exhibition halls of Palazzo Frisacco with the exhibition “Terre, Omini e Bestie” will be open continuously from 10:00 to 18:00.
For further updates or information:

Via Cavour – Biodiversity road

Entities and Associations for the protection of biodiversity tell what biodiversity is in concrete terms.

geoparco delle alpi carniche logo

The Carnic Alps Geopark is a territory that includes the Carnic Alps, the Tagliamento Valley and the Tolmezzina Valley, and is characterized by a geological heritage, unique in Europe, which tells almost 500 million years of geological history and by significant paleontological documentation for understanding the evolution of life on earth. At the stand it will be possible to find material on the activities and proposals of the Geopark: the geological itineraries (geotrail), the guided excursions on geological themes, the conferences, the themed evenings, the scientific publications, the educational activities at its museums and visitor centers…
And much more to discover the mountain from a different perspective.

logo club alpino italiano tolmezzo

The Italian Alpine Club deals with mountains.
In the stand of the Tolmezzo section you will find books, brochures, maps and much more information about Carnia and the world of safe excursions.

associazione studi ornitologici e ricerche ecologiche del friuli venezia giulia aps astore fvg logo

Associazione Studi Ornitologici e Ricerche Ecologiche del Friuli Venezia Giulia – APS (ASTORE-FVG)
It aims to promote, coordinate and carry out research and studies on the ecology, ethology, distribution, consistency, trend and conservation strategies of wild avifauna, as well as research on the environments that host it and on animal and plant species, also for the purpose of creating databases.

The stand will illustrate the avifaunal monitoring and data collection activities carried out by ASTORE-FVG, including:
the IWC (International Waterbird Census) censuses
Since 2005, the Association has coordinated and carried out, on behalf of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the census of wintering waterbirds (IWC) in regional wetlands.
Atlas of nesting birds in FVG
Since 2008 ASTORE-FVG has promoted and created the most challenging ornithological project in the region, the Atlas of nesting birds in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Edited by Tiziano Fiorenza, naturalist and writer, various video documentaries on the extraordinary biodiversity of our region will be shown and some wildlife-naturalistic publications created by the same will be available.

ente tutela patrimonio ittico etpi logo

Ente Tutela Patrimonio Ittico (ETPI) manages fish resources on a regional scale.
Its objectives are to protect fish stocks, conserve aquatic environments, and develop sustainable fishing. For research and experimentation activities for commercial purposes of fish species, it works in collaboration with ERSA.

Regional Agency for Rural Development (ERSA) is a functional body of the Region responsible for technical-scientific assistance, experimentation and research, training and updating for the transfer of innovation, dissemination, promotion of quality brands as well as quality certification in the agriculture, fishing and aquaculture sector.
It will be present with technicians to illustrate the activity of the body in support of the agricultural sector and will bring on display some fruit and vegetable products being experimented.

parco naturale dolomiti friulane logo

The Friulian Dolomites Natural Park is located in the mountain area above the high Friulian plain.
The protected area extends from the province of Pordenone to that of Udine and includes Valcellina (municipalities of Andreis, Cimolais, Claut, Erto and Casso), the Alta Valle del Tagliamento (municipalities of Forni di Sopra, Forni di Sotto) and the territories flowing towards Val Tramontina (municipalities of Frisanco and Tramonti di Sopra) and the Julian Prealps Natural Park.

parco naturale prealpi giulie logo

The Prealpi Giulie Natural Park extends over the area of ​​the municipalities of Chiusaforte, Moggio Udinese, Resia, Resiutta, Venzone and Lusevera. It carries out environmental promotion and education and protection activities.


Friulian Dolomites Natural Park and Julian Prealps Natural Park.

10:00 am and 2:00 pm

Sensory activities to discover biodiversity.
Through the use of the senses, visitors will be led to the knowledge of the main vegetation characteristics, flora and fauna species.

11:00 am and 3:00 pm

The classification of organisms.
The guides will involve visitors with games and the use of animal and plant finds to recognize specimens of flora and fauna.

12:00 and 6:00 pm

Games, fables, poems and riddles about Nature.
Activity dedicated to the little ones to discover animals and trees.

arpa fvg logo

ARPA FVG | Laboratory activities

11:00 am and 3:00 pm

How to light a stove from above and good rules for managing biomass appliances.
Animation with educational exhibits and roasted chestnut tastings.

Carnico Museum of Popular Arts Michele Gortani (gardens)

Saturday and Sunday

From 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Interactive tour to discover the farm animals

Come and discover the tour: free entry!

A path dedicated to children to discover farmyard animals and bees with stories, activities and workshops.



Pimpa arrives at the Museum and meets her friends from the farm
Small fabric painting workshop by the Carnico Museum

During the morning, we make animal crowns for the little ones.

2:30 pm

“The Thread of Knowledge and Flavors”.
A workshop dedicated to the creation of a ball of wool that will transform into an animal with surprise effects. By Daniela Cargnelutti.

All day long old-fashioned games and face painting by Ursus Animazione


11:00 am and 2:30 pm

Discovering the world of bees
by Emiliano Maroncelli, beekeeping expert and beekeeper of the Slow Food Presidium Mieli di Alta Montagna Alpina FVG

4:00 pm

“LAN-ART, the art of wool processing”
A workshop dedicated to the creation of a mat with carded wool through the processing of felt with soap and water.
Suitable for children and teenagers aged 5 and up. By Sonia Stefanutti.

All day long

Donkeys in the museum
Azienda Agricola Vasulmus