
Il Filo dei Sapori 2023 Program


Palazzo Frisacco

7.00 p.m. Apericena gustoCarnia
with guided tour of the photographic exhibition Music Stars+ Reportage dedicated to Gigliola Di Piazza
Tickets € 30.00 per person, all included.

Frame the QrCode and book!


Piazza XX Settembre

6.00 pm Opening Food area and musical animation


Piazza XX Settembre

10.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m. Apertura area market agri-food products

28.10 Via della Biodiversità 28.10

Via della Biodiversity VIA CAVOUR

Entities and associations for the protection of biodiversity tell what biodiversity is in practice. Among the realities involved:

Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane and Parco Naturale Prealpi Giulie
Workshops will be organized on the theme of biodiversity to provide information on the riches of the natural environment that characterize the two Parks.
The recreational-didactic activities will be organized by the Naturalistic Guides Laura Fagioli and Pierino Picco


10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.

Sensory activities of biodiversity discovery

The main vegetative, flora and faunal species will be presented through a touch box, the scent jars and the verses of the animals.

11.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.

The classification of organisms

Interactive activities for the recognition of fauna and flora will be proposed, through games with the use of animal and plant finds (ungulate horns, casts of footprints, pine cones, leaves, flowers, etc.) and the observation of insects, mosses and lichens, enlarged thanks to the use of stereoscopic microscopes

12.00 p.m.and 6.00 p.m.

Games, fairy tales, poems and riddles about Nature

These activities will be dedicated in particular to the little ones, who can discover and learn about some animals and trees in a creative and fun way

4.00 p.m.

Nature makes you beautiful

Laboratory for the realization of cosmetic creams based on medicinal plants, to discover the beneficial properties of leaves and flowers

10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.


What pollen in the air in Tolmezzo?

Interventions by Francesca Tassan, Pierluigi Verardo

2.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Between education & environment

Interventions by Giada Quaino, Daniele Della Toffola

ERSA Mountain agriculture: technicians respond

Exhibition of both native fruit and vegetable varieties and obtained from experimental activities conducted by the Regional Agency for Rural Development in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Technicians present at the stand will be available to answer any questions on the sector

Piazza Centa

Mountain agriculture: the voice to technicians


10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Open Talk Wire of Flavors and INNOVALP

Agriculture in transformation: mountain productions to the test of global changes

at 12.30

Inauguration of the event in the presence of the authorities

from 2.30 p.m. to 4.45 p.m.

At the stand ISIS Paschini-Linusso

Tastings by students

3.30 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Potato farming – Agronomic resistances and techniques for a low-input quality product

ERSA FVG – Valentina Cacitti

4 p.m. – 4.45 p.m.

Results of evidence of enhancement of mountain horticular biodiversity

ERSA FVG – Costantino Cattivello

5.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Not just wild predators, the enormous wealth of regional wildlife between water and sky

Naturalist Tiziano Fiorenza

Piazza XX Settembre

3.30 p.m.

Demonstration of cheese making

Farm F.lli Petris in collaboration with the Caseificio Val Tagliamento

Sunday October 29th

Piazza XX Settembre

10.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.

Opening area agri-food products

29.10 Via della Biodiversità 29.10

Via della Biodiversity VIA CAVOUR

Entities and associations for the protection of biodiversity tell what biodiversity is in practice. Among the realities involved:

Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane and Parco Naturale Prealpi Giulie
Workshops will be organized on the theme of biodiversity to provide information on the riches of the natural environment that characterize the two Parks.
The recreational-didactic activities will be organized by the Naturalistic Guides Laura Fagioli and Pierino Picco


10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.

Sensory activities of biodiversity discovery

The main vegetative, flora and faunal species will be presented through a touch box, the scent jars and the verses of the animals.

11.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.

The classification of organisms

Interactive activities for the recognition of fauna and flora will be proposed, through games with the use of animal and plant finds (ungulate horns, casts of footprints, pine cones, leaves, flowers, etc.) and the observation of insects, mosses and lichens, enlarged thanks to the use of stereoscopic microscopes

12.00 p.m.and 6.00 p.m.

Games, fairy tales, poems and riddles about Nature

These activities will be dedicated in particular to the little ones, who can discover and learn about some animals and trees in a creative and fun way

4.00 p.m.

Nature makes you beautiful

Laboratory for the realization of cosmetic creams based on medicinal plants, to discover the beneficial properties of leaves and flowers

10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.


What pollen in the air in Tolmezzo?

Interventions by Francesca Tassan, Pierluigi Verardo

2.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Between education & environment

Interventions by Giada Quaino, Daniele Della Toffola

ERSA Mountain agriculture: technicians respond

Exhibition of both native fruit and vegetable varieties and obtained from experimental activities conducted by the Regional Agency for Rural Development in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Technicians present at the stand will be available to answer any questions on the sector

Piazza Centa

Mountain agriculture: the voice of technicians, schools and companies

11.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

Giuseppe Ragogna presents his book: Friuli – Stories of rebirth of the mountain.

With the participation of some companies protagonists of the book

12.00 p.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Cooking Show

Discovering one of the thousand recipes of the typical Cjarsons dish

2.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

Stand Istituto Paschini-Linussio

Let’s take a taste for it!

Ideas and recipes to promote health and well-being from food

Health culture project through nutrition by AOAF (Association of Oncology Alto Friuli) and ISIS Paschini-Linussio

from 3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

The students will present The art of flambè, the dishes awarded at the “Gianni Cosetti Award” competition 2022/2023 edition

3:30 p.m. – 4.45 p.m.

Fruct farming – New prospects for the native germplasm of Friuli

by the Regional Agency for Rural Development in FVG

5.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Animal husbandry in Carnia, a story of a love that can only resist with quality

Dr. Davide Pasut and AIAB FVG


Palazzo Frisacco

Photo exhibition dedicated to Gigliola di Piazza

Saturday October 28th

Piazza XX Settembre

3.00 p.m.

Folklore Group Sot la Nape

Animation through the streets of Tolmezzo

Saturday October 28th

3.30 p.m.


Try your hand at old-fashioned farming techniques
Try your hand at old-fashioned farming techniques to win a medal from “Il Filo dei Sapori”!


Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October

The Museo Carnico Gortani presents: Porca Vacca… how many are we!
An interactive-experiential path that will involve the five senses, dedicated to the little ones to discover the farm animals.


ore 11.00 “Animal Crowns”

ore 15.00 “We colour with nature and decorate with wool”

by “L’allegra Fattoria”

Sunday October 29th

ore 11.00 “What’s boiling in the pot?”

by Federica D’Orazio

ore 11.00 Artist’s eggs

Saturday October 28th

Via Lequio

Games of a past and makeup for children

by Ursus Animazione

Sunday October 29th

Via Lequio

Fostering activities with animals with the presence of little donkey Stella

by Stefan Felicia Ranch Ai Gravons

Games of a past and makeup for children

by Ursus Animazione

Via Del Din

Workshops for children and teenagers

by “Casa delle Rondini”


mappa tolmezzo il filo dei sapori 2023 26-29 ottobre

InfoPoint: Via Lequio and Via Cavour

1_PIAZZA CENTA – Farmer’s market area

Farm La Sisile di Elena Sica Villa Santina, Farm Saliet Claut, Agricola Salvan Illegio, Soc. Agricola Agostinis Stefano e Cimenti Vanessa Prato Carnico, Soc. Agricola Marmai Giovanni e Michele Enemonzo, Farm Flli Pace Villa Santina, Farm Mazzolini Villa Santina, BiancoSauris Sauris

CENTRAL GAZEBO: Carnia mountain community activity area and technical meetings.

STAND Istituto I.S.I.S. Paschini Linussi Tolmezzo


Farm Flli Marzona Verzegnis, Kevin D’Agaro Tolmezzo, Green Ladybug Sutrio, Soc. coop sociale Menaus Cercivento, Malga Alta Caria Sauris, Masterpan Resiutta, Farm Domini Albert Sauris, Rovis Sabrina Lauco, Farm Caria Dolci Stagioni Tolmezzo, Farm Petris Gianni Ampezzo, Mirandò Treppo Ligosullo, Farm San Juri Enemonzo, Ortomele: Az.agr. Podrecca Del Torre Lina, Farm Seletto Daiana Tolmezzo, Antica Macelleria Lazzara Paluzza, Distilleria Casato dei Capitani Arta Terme, Farm Lubex Tolmezzo, Apicarnia Cercivento, Strudelina Venzone, Frittelle Daiana, Farm Fare Bio Tarvisio, Farm Mazzolini Fiorindo Socchieve, Tradizione Carnia Arta Terme, Caseificio Val Tagliamento Enemonzo, Birrificio Foglie d’Erba Forni di Sopra, Malga Cason di Lanza Paularo.


Agriturismo Plan di Cuel Arta Terme



GustoCarnia/Zahre Beer Sauris, Cucina di Carnia Villa Santina, Panificio pasticceria Stefanutti Enemonzo

Schools Area


Birrificio Dimont Arta Terme, Idrijia (Slo), Cultori della Tradizione

5_VIA CAVOUR – Via della Biodiversità

Area Ersa FVG, ARPA FVG, Area Osmer-Larea
REGIONAL PARKS: Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane, Parco Naturale Prealpi Giulie, Geoparco Alpi Carniche, CAI sezione Tolmezzo, Ente Tutela Patrimonio Ittico, Servizio biodiversità Regione FVG, Banca del Germoplasma Autoctono Vegetale (BaGAV- UNIUD), Università di Udine Prof. Filacorda and his Special Animal Husbandry team, Naturalist Tiziano Fiorenza A.S.T.O.R.E. FVG Association

6_VIA JACOPO LINUSSIO – Palazzo Regione

Birrificio Bondai Sutrio, Gruppo Shanghai Tolmezzo




Birrificio Casamatta Enemonzo, Il Granello Tolmezzo

Kids/Teens Workshop Booth

Panificio Pan di Casa Tolmezzo, Bioapicoltura Pura Lauco, Faleschini Luigi Pontebba, Coopmont Collina Forni Avoltri, Pasticceria De Marchi Enemonzo, Opificio T.D.S. Forni di Sopra, Natural Preiths Sauris, Farm Carusone Sandra Cavasso Nuovo, Cooperativa Malghesi, Agrivello, Farm Rovedo Patrick Fanna